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- Folk stories and fairy tales
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- Why is teaching a foreign language to young children a good idea
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Conferences and seminars
The Land of Fairy Tales Method is the subject of Agnieszka Horyza's presentations at conferences and seminars:
- 10.2011 International Conference on Communication - Culture - Creativity in Piła
Article: The story-based approach in a preschool setting. A fairy tale, The Ugly Duckling, as an assessment tool for discrepancies in the development of EFL in seven children
plik do pobrania pdf - 09.2011 Scientific conference of the Modern Languages Association of Poland in Kalisz
Article: An analysis of the meeting discourse in attempt to assess the competence level of a child in bilingual kindergarten. (Polish version only)
plik do pobrania pdf - 06.2011 School of English, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Paper: The story-based approach in the EFL development of a child. Preliminary studies of language acquisition in an early partial immersion program.
plik do pobrania pdf