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We wish to thank the following reviewers:
- Professor Teresa Siek-Piskozub
- Professor Irena Obuchowska
- Anna Raulinajtys, Ph.D
- Renata Ranus, MA (Consultant for English at ODN in Poznań)
for their in-depth reviews and invaluable advice during the development of the program, the teaching aids and our approach to young learners. We are most grateful for their insight in helping us to reach excellence in our language teaching approach and to contribute to the development of happy children who have confidence in their own skills and talents. We hope to continue our collaboration and improve our work even further.
Professor Teresa Siek-Piskozub:
- professor ordinarius,
- Polish Ministry of National Education Reviewer and Consultant for English teaching curricula and materials,
- Head of Applied English Linguistics and Language Teaching, School of English, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań,
- Head of English Department, Nicholas Copernicus University in Toruń,
- Member of the Senate of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań,
- Member of the Modern Language Association of Poland,
- Member of the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL),
- Member of Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes (FIPLV),
- Member of the Association for Language Awareness (ALA),
- Scholarships at the University of Florida, Gainesville and Goldsmith College at the University of London,
- Guest lecturer at:
- University of Florida, Gainesville, 1980
- University of Niteroi, Brazil, 1997
- University of Ostrava, Czech Republic, 1996
- Modern Language Centre, Graz (Austria) 1998
- American University, Cairo (Egypt), 2000
- Latvian Ministry of Education, Riga (Latvia), 2003
- Vilnius University, Vilnius (Lithuania), 2005
Professor Irena Obuchowska:
- Professor ordinarius, psychologist, educationalist, specialist in clinical child psychology,
- Since 1964, faculty member at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań where she headed the Child Psychopathology Institute,
- Member of The Committee on Psychological Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences,
- Member of the Scientific Council of Międzynarodowe Centrum Szkoleniowe Praw Dziecka [International Training Centre for Child Rights],
- Honorary member of the National Council of Komitet Ochrony Praw Dziecka [Committee for the Protection of Child Rights],
- Received Hugo Steinhaus honorary distinction awarded by the Polish Foundation for Science Advancement (PFUN) and Towarzystwo Popierania i Krzewienia Nauk [Society for Science Promotion and Advancement],
- Received honorary distinction for her "educational activity and publications" from the POLCUL Foundation,
- Publications: "Dynamika nerwic" [Dynamics of Neuroses], "Chore dziecko" [Ill Child] , "Okres dorastania" [Adolescence], "Kochać i rozumieć" [To Love and to Understand], "Jak sobie radzić z niechcianymi uczuciami" [How to Cope with Unwanted Feelings], "Dzieci małe i duże, jak je kochać i rozumieć" [Children - Big and Small - How to Love and Understand Them]
Anna Raulinajtys, Ph.D:
- Ph.D thesis: "Educational Discourse in Teaching EFL to Kindergarten Children: An Ethnographic Study."
- Scholarship at the University of Aveiro, Portugal as part of the Socrates/ Erasmus program,
- Attended academic conferences both in Poland and abroad, including the 18th International Conference on Foreign/Second Language Acquisition organized by the University of Silesia and the national conference organized by the Modern Language Association of Poland,
- Authored articles published in national and international magazines,
- Research interest: first- and second language acquisition; the process of teaching a foreign language to children, including the study of vocabulary assimilation, the use of communication strategies and the use of music in the teaching of the youngest learners,
- She conducts research on foreign language acquisition in the Land of Fairy Tales.
Renata Ranus, MA:
- MA in English, Adam Mickiewicz University,
- Since 1999, Methodology Consultant for English at Ośrodek Doskonalenia Nauczycieli [Teacher Advancement Center] for the schools in the city of Poznań,
- A teacher with years of experience; she conducts continuing training programs, workshops, and lectures for the teachers of English,
- The author of two ministry curricula for English teaching,
- Participant of school partnerships programs as part of the COMENIUS Program, as well as international projects RESPECT, SPICE
- She conducts an inter-school drama group in English